While nothing beats going to your local camera store to check out which lens to buy for your specific needs (wink,wink...), camera companies have come out with innovative tools that help you decide. One such tool is the
Nikon Lenses Simulator which is found in their global website:
The simulator provides a pletora of different settings and functions that allow you to customize your DSLR with different optical options before buying a new lens. First, you choose your camera (cropped or full sensor). Once a camera is selected, you can slide a bar across various focal lengths from 10mm to 600mm or pick the exact focal length range to try from the full line of wide-angle, macro, fixed, telephoto, and zoom Nikkor lenses.
This allows you to distinguish between the effects of multiple lenses. For example, a wide-angle as opposed to a telephoto lens or a macro vs a fixed lens and more! You can test out different sensor size formats and change your angle of view as well. Click onto the attached link to try it out!
http://imaging.nikon.com/products/imaging/lineup/lens/simulator/index.htm .
This is just one of the many tools available online to help you. We told you earlier this year about "
Camerasim", an online teaching tool that simulates a DSLR online so you can learn about shutter speeds, apeture openings & ISO settings (
http://www.camerawholesalers.com/?p=3905 ). And yes, we understand that with all the wealth of information available on the internet, the decision of buying photographic equiptment is one that requires the personal touch that any of our experienced salemen can provide. It's good to know that both are available to you.
SO, if you're looking for that perfect lens to complement what you already have, try out the online simulator, then come in to see it for yourself. We're here and eager to help you when you're ready!