Leave it to Nikon to come up with innovative and fun ways to explain the unique features of their Coolpix point & shoot cameras. You have to dig deep into their website, but if you do, you'll find an interactive explanation of their various camera's zoom ranges called the "Coolpix Zoom Experience" : (
Elsewhere, you'll find a cool summary of their rugged,waterproof AW-100 camera, complete with videos and other interactive features (
http://ashton.nikonusa.com/COOLPIX/Cameras/Rugged.aspx ). While it doesn't replace actually trying out the cameras in our store, guided by a friendly CWS salesman, it can give you an idea of which Nikon Coolpix is right for you! Try it today!
A reminder that we go back to basics with our photo classes the next two weeks with
" Digital Point & Shoot Basics" tomorrow night (2/9) at 7 PM, followed by
"Digital SLR Basics" next Thursday (2/16). Also FYI, we've received stock of
Sony Alpha A77's & Canon S100's! These are hot and highly sought after cameras so if you've been looking for one, call us or come in ASAP - stock on both are limited!