If you bought or recieved a DSLR over the holidays, you most likely got a model that included the ability of capturing high-definition video. Cool! But what do I do with it? Can I upload it and share with others right away? Is it just pushing a button & recording? And why is the video I've taken out of focus & jumpy? These are questions you may encountered if you started using the HD video features on cameras like the Nikon D3100/D7000, the Canon 7D/60D or Rebel T series or the Olympus PEN's. Even newer point & shoot digital cameras have HD video, and if you're curious of what you can do with your videos or want to know how to take better videos, our class on Thursday, February 24th is for you!

HD Video for DSLRs class will cover in an hour or so all you need to know to get great footage to share with loved ones or post on the web. We'll cover all the common questions you may have in using this new technology and suggest new products and accessories that can further help you get great results! This is the newest class we've added to our Thursday night series and we think it'll be as popular as the
Action & Sports Photography class we offer bi-monthly.
As always, these Thursday classes are free of charge and there's no need to register. Just join us at 7PM on Thursday, February 24th with your camera & a smile. If you can't make it on the 24th, we've scheduled the class to be given again on March 31st.
Our class schedule can be found to the right of this post. Next up,
Digital Point & Shoot Basics on Thursday, February 10th at 7PM, right here at the store!