We're starting a new series of classes on the final Thursday of each month - A 90 minute brand & model specific class that will cover all the features and specifics of a certain camera! And we'll start with the Nikon D3100/D5100 DSLR cameras this Thursday night  (1/31) at 6:00 PM!


If you bought a D3100 or 5100 (or have an older D3000 or D5000), this class is for you! Come join us on Thursday at 6 PM! And for those of you who have just bought or received a camera for the holidays, popphoto.com has offered a primer on what to do once you've gotten your shiny new camera in hand called "7 Tips For Getting The Most Out Your 1st DSLR". Some of the tips are obvious (at least,skim the instruction manual for one) but the most important tip shared is what we emphasize in our classes; switch out of the auto mode!  Check out our class schedule link to the left of the website's main page for classes thru the month of March.

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