BeFunky_479754_553409081351644_1237022980_nWe have an exciting chock-filled week at Camera Wholesalers and hope you can take part of some or all of the events! First off, we still have Black Friday Specials that still in effect till the end of day Tuesday (12/2). And on Thursday (12/4) at 6:30 PM, we have the first of our 2 holiday based photo classes called "Better Holiday Photos In 60 Minutes" Don't get caught like the couple above resorting to feline assistance to get your family holiday photo! This class can help you get your best photos ever just in time for Christmas or Hanukkah. And finally, join us on Sunday 12/7 from 10-4 for our annual Leica Day with our friendly neighborhood Leica rep Stan Bucklin joining us to show Leica's new offerings for the holidays.

Watch here and our Facebook/Twitter postings for holiday events & specials all throughout the month of December.

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