Canon PowerShot SX430 IS, 1790C002


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Details: Immortalisez vos souvenirs les plus prÃcieux dans des photos et vidÃos incroyablement dÃtaillÃes grÃce à cet appareil photo bridge compact, à la fois connectÃ, simple d'utilisation et dotà d'un puissant zoom 45x Un appareil photo bridge compact, simple, ludique et connectà Capturez sans effort les moindres dÃtails avec cet appareil photo bridge compact, polyvalent, facile à transporter et dotà d'un zoom 45x. Avec le mode Smart Auto, la connexion aisÃe à un smartphone et les modes crÃatifs amusants, crÃez et partagez facilement des photos et vidÃos HD de toute beautÃ. Puissant zoom 45x Capturez de magnifiques dÃtails de loin à l'aide de cet appareil photo compact muni d'un puissant zoom optique 45x. Facile à transporter et à tenir, c'est le compagnon idÃal pour les grandes occasions Qualità incroyable Profitez d'images exceptionnelles de vos meilleurs souvenirs, grÃce aux 20 millions de pixels et au stabilisateur d'image intelligent qui garantit la nettetà de vos photos et la stabilità de vos vidÃos Connectività simplifiÃe Partagez facilement vos meilleurs moments avec vos amis ou utilisez en toute simplicità votre smartphone ou tablette comme tÃlÃcommande avec l'application Canon Connect. Connectez-vous simplement d'une seule pression grÃce aux technologies Wi-Fi et NFC Cadrez et dÃclenchez pour exprimer votre crÃatività Il vous suffit de cadrer et dÃclencher pour obtenir d'incroyables rÃsultats grÃce au mode Smart Auto, avant de vous amuser avec les modes crÃatifs

If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is.

Products which are imported and sold other than by Authorized Dealers are referred to as "Gray Market" (or "parallel") products. Camera Wholesalers will never sell you illegitimate products.

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Why are Gray Market products risky?

No branded Warranty

  • Gray Market products may contain a limited warranty from the seller, but they are not covered by a Canon/Nikon etc. USA warranty.

Not eligible for repair service

  • Not eligible for USA repair service by the relevant brand, even if you want to pay for it.

Non-genuine accessories

  • May include counterfeit or third party accessories that could damage your equipment.

Missing user manuals

  • User manuals are often missing, incomplete or photocopied, and they may even be in a foreign language.

Fake software

  • The software included often is either copied or counterfeit.

May not be as expected

  • Since Gray Market products were not designed for sale in the USA, they may not meet your expectations.

Wrong power cord

  • May include an incorrect power cord or adapter not designated for use in the USA.

Not eligible for rebates

  • Gray Market products are not eligible for USA promotions or instant rebates from the relevant brand.

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