Can we ask a favor of you? If we've offered you good service, helped you out in a pinch or learned something new in one of our photo classes, would you kindly consider voting for us in Fairfield County Weekly's Best of 2014 Reader Poll and allow us to be named again as Fairfield County's best camera store! We thank you advance for considering us! Just click on the vote for us logo below & follow the prompts.
Our photo class this week is our monthly "Digital SLR Basics" class which will meet in the back of the store on Thursday evening (3/13) at 6:30 PM. Stay tuned for announcements for some new classes & seminars taking place this spring and a reminder that space are running out for our afternoon hands-on macro class on March 29th. Also note that with the time change that started earlier this week, we are back to our normal operating hours, which can be found here.