2010 was an active year for new camera introductions and in all the buzzle and fuss, a few stand up above the rest. One of them is our #2 gift idea,
The Nikon D3100.
We've had a few folks pick up the D3100 just because it 's Oprah's (please don't ask Oprah Who...) camera pick for her "Favorite Things" selections this holiday season. And this weekend, David Pogue highlighted the camera the camera in his tech article in the N.Y. Times (
http://gadgetwise.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/12/03/a-camera-with-a-tutor-built-in/?ref=technology). Can these strange bedfellows be right? Actually, yes and here's why...
Nikon's press release says it best: "The 14.2-megapixel D3100 has powerful features, such as the enhanced Guide Mode that makes it easy to unleash creative potential and capture memories with still images and full HD video. Like having a personal photo tutor at your fingertips, this unique feature provides a simple graphical interface on the camera’s LCD that guides users by suggesting and/or adjusting camera settings to achieve the desired end result images. The D3100 is also the world’s first D-SLR to introduce full time auto focus (AF) in Live View and D-Movie mode to effortlessly achieve the critical focus needed when shooting Full HD 1080p video.The Nikon D3100 also allows users to capture stunning Full HD, 1080p resolution (1920x1080) movies. Users can record cinematic quality 24p video clips, or shoot at 24 or 30 frames-per-second at 720p, ideal for sharing online. The D3100 is also the world’s first D-SLR to introduce full time auto focus (AF) in Live View and D-Movie mode to effortlessly achieve the critical focus needed when shooting Full HD 1080p video".
All the newest & most innovative features, a "built in tutor" and affordable at $699.95 for the kit with a Nikkor 18-55mm VR lens.
SWEET! Ask to see the D3100 when you come in and see why it's on everybody's holiday gift lists. For more information, please visit
www.nikonusa.com (Image Courtesy of Nikon USA)
More holiday gift ideas here on our blog from now to Christmas Eve. Idea #3 suggests you to go "Rogue" and has nothing to do with Sarah Palin...