Some news here for you... We got our first spring Nikon order just a few hours ago and it included some real goodies!

We got in a few D3s bodies, a fresh supplies of D90 kits (always in demand), a couple of the new 16-35mm F4IS lenses I wrote about last week and some cool refurbs, including the 10-24mm AF-S & the 24-70mm F2.8! Come in or call us ASAP 'cause I have limited supplies of each!
Tomorrow is point & shoot class, 7PM at the store. We've had a blast giving these classes and gratified that we're able to help people take better pictures. We learn from you as well, so come for your cameras & your questions. And for our Nikon customers waiting for the Nikon sponsored classes for your cameras, the days are almost set & we'll be letting you know real soon!
Finally, a group of Fairfield County photographers will present "Picture Hope for Haiti" from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, March 2 at Chez Jean Pierre Restaurant, 188 Bedford St. in Stamford. This photography exhibit and silent auction will feature a collection of images from the area's best-known and most inspiring photographers. Join them for an evening of art and support a wonderful cause. All proceeds from sale of the photographs will be donated to Doctors Without Borders and the relief effort in Haiti. This is the brainchild of Stamford Advocate staff photographer Kathleen O'Rourke & you can click onto this link from Stamford Downtown for more info: