This week, we'll finally cover a cool & unique feature that makes it easy to get great, professional looking panoramic photos using your point & shoot digital camera. It's called "panorama stitching". Merged Panorama "Stitching" is the term people use to refer to taking (as input) a series of digital photos and producing (as output) a final panorama. One of the quickest ways to start creating panoramas is by using what is called 'image stitching software'. This software works by taking individual images and 'stitching' them together to make a panorama. You may have seen the tv commercial that shows how easy a built in program can produce a panoramic picture with an brand new Windows laptop (The young spokeswoman & picturetaker was 6 years old!).  If you don't have it as part of the built in software of your computer, check the software disc that's included with your point & shoot camera.  Ken Rockwell has a great article further explaining this feature with a link to several companies that offer free software: A new camera that offers a new wrinkle on this feature is the Sony Cybershot DSC-HX1, with something called  "Sweep Panorama". Sweep panorama mode lets you reach beyond the traditional wide-angle lens and capture breathtaking shots. With wide and ultra-wide settings and horizontal or vertical directions, sweep panorama mode can take up to 224-degree horizontal or 154-degree vertical shots. By utilizing the fast-speed Exmor CMOS sensor, the camera continuously  shoots full-resolution images at a high speed. Using the BIONZ imaging processor, it automatically stitches the pictures together to create one stunning panoramic photo. The maximum resolution is 7152 x 1080 (ultra wide horizontal). The HX1 has some other great features, like a 20x zoom , Steady Shot & a Carl Zeiss Lens & we sell it for $499! Fred will be doing the DSLR mini-class tomorrow night at 7 P.M.  To borrow a phrase from Bennigan's : Come Hungry (for knowledge...), Leave Happy! See you then!

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